



Hi my name is Luke, I am 12 years old. A few of my favorite things to do are building legos, playing Risk, hanging out with my friends and playing sports. Now going on this trip has limited quite a few of those things. Which is one of the reasons why I didn’t want to go on this trip at first. I have to admit it was hard to leave my friends in New Jersey, but once we started the trip I really loved it. As a member of Kid’s Corner me and my siblings will write often. A few of the subjects we are going to write about are Disney world, Mexico, and many more. Thank you for reading the Mesquit’s blog.


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10 thoughts on “Luke”

  1. Happy birthday, Luke. I’m so jealous of all the traveling you get to do this year! You’re on the adventure of a lifetime.

  2. Looks like you had a fun 12th birthday Luke! Wishing you a fun time creating great memories with your family this year. Love, Pat, Stewart & Josh

  3. Isn’t is reassuring to know that God has a plan for your life. You might just learn how to play Risk in German! The Ybarras will enjoy your updates. Thanks for writing Luke.

  4. Happy Birthday Luke!!
    okay – so the fact that you are now 12 makes me feel like a grandma. I cannot believe that i met you when you were just 1 and 1/2. (i think thats right….) One of my favorite memories of my time with your family was when your mom was still pregnant with Will, Camille, and Ana – every day during her nap, you and i would sit on the floor and read the same books and go through the same flash cards for an hour. You would pile up the books next to me, sit in my lap, and wait patiently for me to start reading. Most kids at that age keep turning the pages before the adult can finish reading the page, but not you. You would wait for me to finish each word and then i would say “bliiiing” and you would turn the page. also, we would go over the flash cards and you would point out everything perfectly. You even knew the difference between a comet and and astroid before you could talk!! it was so fun and i loved that special time with you – ill never forget it. I learned so much about loving kids and being a mommy in that time. So you were a big part in making me the mom I am today!! speaking of – i had a little girl 3 weeks ago, her name is Maisy, and hope she is as smart and sweet as you are when she grows up.

    I can’t wait to see all the amazing things you are doing this year.
    Love you!

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